To make your experience of playing Football Manager more pleasant (specifically version 2021), we have prepared a collection of photos of Slovak stadiums for you. Stadiums will be displayed on various screens, including team information, news and match day.
Photos of the stadium for the home screen, the team information screen, the news screen, the day of the match and the processing bar. Of course, the display depends on the skin you are using.
These will not work on the default skin. We highly recommend it for example FLUT skin or FM Rensie.
The package contains more than 70 stadiums from all over Slovakia and covers almost all available in the official database. If you miss any and you have a nice photo for them (or you want to update the current one with a better one), do not hesitate to contact and send it to us.
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Your donation is more than welcome to guarantee the future of this project.
Please do it trough the Donation page in the menu. Thank you.
Dropbox download Mediafire download
FLUT skin preview
Rensie skin preview
How to add these in your FM21
- Win Vista/Win 7/Win 8: C:\Users\”username”\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\
- Win 2000/XP: C:\Documents and Settings\”username”\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\
- Win 98/ME: C:\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\
- Mac OS X: /Users/”username”/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021/graphics/
- Mac OS X Catalina: read here)
If you don´t have the graphics folder, create it. We recommend to make a folder in it called stadiums and extract this pack in it.
Run Football Manager 2021 and go to: Preferences > Advanced > Most Common > Interface
Make sure that you tick the check box on the page called ‘Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences’ and un-tick then box saying ‘Use caching to decrease page loading times’. Hit Confirm.
There should be a box that pops up saying ‘loading image data for the new skin’. Once this is done your graphics should be working within the game.