[:sk]„Ak sa vám toto video nepáči, stále si môžete robiť srandu z môjho anglického komentára 😜“

Pokračujeme v našich návodoch na výrobu dresov. Patres10, majiteľ FM Slovakia, vám dáva možnosť vybrať si, aký typ návodu by ste chceli vidieť.

💕 Do you want to support us? Become our patron – https://www.patreon.com/fmslovakia​
👫 Join us on Discord – https://discord.gg/mgzS7q5CzZ

🌐 – FC’12 templates – https://fmslovakia.com/addons/kits/fc12-templates-megapack/

Ďakujem pekne za podporu. Bez teba by to naozaj nebolo možné. Budeme nesmierne radi, ak nám dáte „Páči sa mi to“ na YouTube videu, kliknete na odber a ešte lepšie aj na zvonček, aby vám už nikdy neunikla nová epizóda.[:en]”If you don’t like this video, you can still make fun of my english commentary 😜”

We continue with our tutorials about kitmaking. Patres10, the FM Slovakia owner, gives you the chance to choose what type of tutorial you would like to see.

💕 Do you want to support us? Become our patron – https://www.patreon.com/fmslovakia​
👫 Join us on Discord – https://discord.gg/mgzS7q5CzZ

🌐 – FC’12 templates – https://fmslovakia.com/addons/kits/fc12-templates-megapack/

Thank you very much for your support. It really wouldn’t be possible without you. We will be extremely happy if you give us a “Like” on the YouTube video, click on the subscription and, best of all, on the bell, so that you never miss a new episode again.[:]


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